Example Battle

First Sword of the Jewel: blocking your last stroke and grabbing your arm.
Newbie: pulling my arm back and driving my other fist towards your face
First Sword of the Jewel: stepping back from the punch and lashing the whip at your feet
Newbie: jumping over the whip and throwing my dagger point blank at your head
Newbie: kicking hard towards the groin
First Sword of the Jewel: ducking, feeling the dagger handle graze me and catching your foot, jerking backwards hard.
First Sword of the Jewel: Falling backwards and kicking forward
First Sword of the Jewel: Driving my foot towards your groin
First Sword of the Jewel: Kicking hard
Newbie: Singing tenor and jerking away..kicking back.
First Sword of the Jewel: grabbing you from behind, slicing at your leg with the dagger..
First Sword of the Jewel: feeling the kick in the face, driving the dagger hard
First Sword of the Jewel: jerking your foot back again, the dagger still in my hand.
Judge: First blood awarded to First Sword of the Jewel, Contest over, Surrender your booty to First Sword of the Jewel Newbie.



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